Lloyd'z Big Bore Kits


Increase the overall power of your Indian Motorcycle with our 126" big bore kit, designed from high quality ductile iron sleeves and lightweight forged pistons to give the best overall power and reliability.

Lloyd'z Garage is the only place in the world to offer a 126 or 131 big bore kit for your Thunderstroke motor! Unmatchable power from the leaders in Indian Performance! In early 2022 we celebrated our 126th 126 bbk and haven't let off the pedal!

Our piston design has many years of Research & Development involved to yield the best possible performance and reliability. Our 126" kit is comprised of a 105.28mm bore with 2 lightweight forged pistons (complete with Rings, C-Clips and Wrist Pins),  2 Head Gaskets, and 2 Base Gaskets. 

Fits: mid 2019+ Chieftain, Roadmaster, Springfield, Vintage


CALL 651-228-7620 OR EMAIL SEAN@STPAULINDIAN.COM ABOUT YOUR 126 BIG BORE QUOTE! Join the world's fastest Indians, created by Lloyd'z!

approx 120hp, 145ft lbs torque


*For a 131 Big Bore Kit, you must purchase a new Indian Motorcycle at our St. Paul or Charlotte location!